E78 - Special guest DannyPaints talks painting Empire and Cancon
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Special guest Danny from @dannypaints joins us to discus his recent success at Cancon with his Empire army of all things plus the beautiful paint job he has done on this army.
We hope you brought your appetite because we have an absolute feast for your eyes.
Check out Danny in these links
🚪 Join our Patreon - / oldworldfanatics
🎗️ Support us by checking out Paint Stands by PatchyHobbies - https://www.patchyhobbies.com/?peachs...
Follow us for lots of faction reviews and Old World content on our Youtube channel as well - / @oldworldfanatics
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Links and Shoutouts
CreakyGamers - / @creakygamers
✨ Old World Rankings - https://oldworldrankings.com
MinimagTray Rapid Reform - https://www.minimagtray.co.uk/product...
J15 Games - https://www.etsy.com/shop/J15Games
Paint Stand by PatchyHobbies - https://www.patchyhobbies.com/?peachs...
Tournaments 🇦🇺- / events
Old World Fanatics Youtube Channel - / @oldworldfanatics
Faction Reviews - • The Old World - Faction Focus
Australia Old World Group - / warhammertheoldworldaus
You can follow us on
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Threads - @oldworldfanatics
and email the show at [email protected]
Thanks to our monthly supporters
Special guest Danny from @dannypaints joins us to discus his recent success at Cancon with his Empire army of all things plus the beautiful paint job he has done on this army.
We hope you brought your appetite because we have an absolute feast for your eyes.
Check out Danny in these links
🚪 Join our Patreon - / oldworldfanatics
🎗️ Support us by checking out Paint Stands by PatchyHobbies - https://www.patchyhobbies.com/?peachs...
Follow us for lots of faction reviews and Old World content on our Youtube channel as well - / @oldworldfanatics
Thanks for being part of our community
Links and Shoutouts
CreakyGamers - / @creakygamers
✨ Old World Rankings - https://oldworldrankings.com
MinimagTray Rapid Reform - https://www.minimagtray.co.uk/product...
J15 Games - https://www.etsy.com/shop/J15Games
Paint Stand by PatchyHobbies - https://www.patchyhobbies.com/?peachs...
Tournaments 🇦🇺- / events
Old World Fanatics Youtube Channel - / @oldworldfanatics
Faction Reviews - • The Old World - Faction Focus
Australia Old World Group - / warhammertheoldworldaus
You can follow us on
Youtube - @oldworldfanatics
TwitterX - @oldworldfanatic
Instagram - oldworldfanatics
Threads - @oldworldfanatics
and email the show at [email protected]
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